Get The Most Out of Tube Jigs - Fishing Tips for Every Angler

Tube jigs are popular lures for anglers because they can be used in almost any situation. They mimic the movement of smaller baitfish, so bass and other species of fish find them irresistible.
Even more importantly, tube jigs are incredibly versatile and can be used in different waters, depths, and temperatures. Here’s an overview of how to use tube jigs and get the most out of each one.
Tube jigs can also be used year round and even work great for ice fishing.
Using Tube Jigs on Rocks or Weeds
Tube jigs work great when fishing around rocks or weeds. When you cast the lure next to a rock or weed bed, let it sink to the bottom.
This will give you time to find the ideal depth while also allowing the lure to move naturally in the current.
After letting it sit at the bottom for a few seconds, start retrieving your line slowly by lifting your rod tip up until the tube jig comes off the bottom.
As you retrieve the line, make sure that you pause every now and then so that fish have time to snag it as it moves through the water column.
Tube Jig Rigging Options
One of the great things about tube jigs is that they can be rigged in many different ways depending on what kind of environment you’re fishing in.
For instance, if you’re fishing in shallow waters where there isn’t much cover, try threading a spinner onto your lure before casting it into deeper waters.
This will attract more attention from nearby fish because they won’t be able to ignore all that extra movement created by those spinning blades.
You could also add a soft plastic tail or worm onto your hook for an added appeal if you prefer a more natural-looking presentation.
Tackle Selection
When using tube jigs, make sure that you use appropriate tackle for each situation you encounter.
If you’re fishing deep water with heavy vegetation, opt for heavier lines and bigger hooks so that your lure remains visible even when snagged on weeds or submerged logs.
On the other hand, if you’re fishing shallow waters without much cover, use lighter lines and smaller hooks so that your lure doesn’t snag on anything as it moves through various water columns between casts.
Using tube jigs correctly is key if you want to catch those big ones.
When using tube jigs make sure to choose an appropriate tackle size depending on what type of environment you're fishing in as well as consider rigging options such as adding spinners or soft plastic tails onto them for added attraction.
With these tips in mind, every angler should have no problem getting their hands on some monster catches when using tube jigs.